Reflections on Consumption: Final thoughts

November 7 Today, I review what I’ve written, add to some posts, and reflect on what I haven’t included. Two things stand out, both related to bills I paid earlier in the week. Firstly, I think my husband is less inclined to buy extra stuff in the grocery store (though he has his own weaknesses).Continue reading “Reflections on Consumption: Final thoughts”

Reflections on Consumption: Seeds for Tomorrow

November 6th Today, we gave back! We planted more spruce trees along the northern edge of the Environment Centre’s property. We carved sticks to mark them. We transplanted kale we had sprouted into larger pots to grown indoors. We plan to donate it to the Turtle Trauma Centre when it is grown. And we plantedContinue reading “Reflections on Consumption: Seeds for Tomorrow”

Reflections on Consumption: Digging Potatoes

November 5 I did turn my phone to DND and put it aside at dinner. This was essential! The incoming election results were captivating. I was conscious about how much my attention was drawn to it. Again, hyperconsumerism, this time of information rather than time or products. It is interesting to note how the AssociatedContinue reading “Reflections on Consumption: Digging Potatoes”

Reflections on Consumption: The Gift Is In the Giving

November 3 Today, I took my son for a COVID test and bought him a small box of Minecraft Lego for being brave (he’d had the nostril swab in the summer and REALLY didn’t like it!). We didn’t technically ‘need’ to go. He just had some sniffles that were getting better. But, as I saidContinue reading “Reflections on Consumption: The Gift Is In the Giving”

Reflections on Consumption: The Lure of the Election

November 4th So, I got sucked into the U.S. election! I did very well leading up to it, but today, the phone was out at dinner and we were checking stats and looking up numbers and all the rest of it. It brings into sharp relief the importance of turning it off and how addictiveContinue reading “Reflections on Consumption: The Lure of the Election”

Reflections on Consumption: Boots, Handles and Dinnertime Conversation

November 2 Today, I finally bought my son some winter boots. They are Bogs. These boots do him well. They keep his feet warm in winter even when he goes on walks through the marsh or wades in creeks in the winter. He teaches me a lot about just being in nature, whatever the weatherContinue reading “Reflections on Consumption: Boots, Handles and Dinnertime Conversation”

Reflections on Consumption: Happy Hallowe’en

October 31 Happy Halloween! And what a different Halloween, with much less spending and preparation for me. We went over to my son’s friends and had an afternoon playdate. My son dressed up in a dragon costume, which just happens to be his everyday onesy. No prep, except long underwear underneath for outdoor play. HisContinue reading “Reflections on Consumption: Happy Hallowe’en”

Reflections of Consumption: Trees and Leaves and Letting Go

October 30th Today, I bought nothing. Instead, I was gifted with duck eggs. Four large beautiful eggs from two ducks whom my student is training to be therapy ducks. I have not met them in person, but I watched them grow over our Skype meetings in the spring. When I try these eggs this weekend,Continue reading “Reflections of Consumption: Trees and Leaves and Letting Go”

Reflections on Consumption: Tree medallions

October 29th. Today, I bought nothing. Though I restocked the Environment Centre’s supplies of vinegar, baking soda and drills bits. I also ‘borrowed’ marshmallows from the Centre’s stores to give to my son. I still forgot to get them for the fire. Today, I gave. I tried to make sure everyone had a good day.Continue reading “Reflections on Consumption: Tree medallions”